Update Schedule

Tuesday: Who's Day
Thursday: Ponies!
Saturday: Pony Episode!
Sunday: Mystery Update!

All other days not mentioned in the above are subject to sporadic updates when ever and how ever we see fit.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are You My Mummy?

Hello my bronies (almost typed as "bonies" and "boronies")! How are all of you this fine day? Correction: This fine Who Day, as John Bon Pony calls it.

I'd like to take the time to touch on something that John Bon Pony mentioned in his first post. Many of you should know (and if you don't, shame on you) that Elisabeth Sladen, the magnificent woman who played Sarah Jane Smith, passed away from cancer in April. This Saturday, people everywhere are going to be walking for an hour in her memory. Edward Russel, the man in charge of this, plans to walk all the way from Cardiff to London. Let me tell ya, that is quite a walk

So! Please join us in the walk to remember her! If not, you can always donate to Meadow House Hospice. It would greatly be appreciated.

Now that that's out of the way, great Doctor Who times will be had. I'm curious about some things about you readers. So, here's a few questions! I'll answer them myself below too.
  • Who is your favorite Doctor and why is he your favorite?
  • Who is your favorite companion? Least favorite? Why?
  • Do you have a favorite adversary of the Doctor's?
  • Do you have a favorite episode?
  • What's your favorite planet in the Doctor Who universe(s)?
So that's all I can think of right now, but I'll answer these questions too! My favorite Doctor is, of course, the Tenth. I love him because David Tennant played him with so much depth and humor, that it's hard not to love him. Plus, David Tennant owns my soul.

My favorite companion would have to be the current woman, Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan. I think that she matches the Doctor so well because of how committed she was as a child to is. Sure, she felt betrayed and everything, but the fact that he met her as a child and came back for her just warms my heart. My least favorite companion would have to be Donna Noble. Mainly because I didn't like her teeth. Sounds shallow, but it's true.

Now to the fun part. My favorite adversary. The Weeping Angels. The sight of this anywhere now scares the living shit out of me. An enemy that is virtually indestructible and can only move when you can't see it is utterly terrifying. Of course, you can stare at it all you want, but you'll have to blink some time right?

My favorite episode.... Hm.... That's a tough one. I have one for pretty much every season, but I'll just talk about the two parter from the season with the Ninth Doctor. The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. Yes, these two episodes freaked me the hell out. Not as much as the Angels, but the gas mask zombies come close. Are you my mummy? NO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!

Favorite planet... Honestly, I would have to say Earth. I know that'snot an off the wall planet like The Library or Raxacoricofallapatorius, but everything happens on Earth, and we humans have no idea how to handle these encounters. I just love all the episodes where the Doctor has to save us.

That's all for now. I'll probably post again later with pictures of these awesome drawings from someone on deviantart, but I'm still waiting for permission to post them, 'cause I'm formal like that. So! My parting gift that had absolutely nothing with Doctor Who!

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