Whosday! Woo! I'm getting a drawing of a pony, OH YEAH! Don't ask... ANYWHO! (See what I did there?) Anyone notice how terrifyingly dark Doctor Who is getting? Like seriously, it's terrifying. The last episode scared the hell out of me. A combination of the angels and those ventriloquist dummies had me nearly in tears... So did the ending to that episode..... *sob*
Well, I have a special treat for you guys! I've been following this artist on Deviantart for a while now because she does AMAZING freaking hyper-realistic drawings. Recently, she got into Doctor Who drawings. They're amazing because they're about the size of a quarter and smaller, but they're almost like looking at a photograph. Here's an example:

See? Gorgeous, right? Yeah a little hard to see, but that's why you should go to Cataclysm-X's dA!!! Her stuff is amazing. And of course, here's the link!
http://cataclysm-x.deviantart.com/ Here's another, not related to Doctor Who, but just plain beautiful:

Seriously, I love Adam Lambert, so you people have to deal with this amazingly gorgeous-tastic drawing of him. Because I'm an admin and because I said so. Yes, I am using my authority. xD So, that's pretty much all I have to say for now, but seriously, go check out
Cataclysm-X's stuff. Your eyes will be happy you did.
Here's my traditional video to end my posts! Until next time!
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